May 30, 2007

More on Coventry...

Apparently the back story on Coventry is a nice idea but not true (I'm still searching info here...) however, there is more to the story. The provost of the Cathedral led the church to pursue reconciliation with the enemies of Britain rather than vengeance. As World War II came to a close, crosses of nails were presented to the cities of Berlin, Kiel, and Dresden; cities hit the hardest by allied bombing. What could have been a moment shaping a people to anger and hatred became, for the people of Coventry, a moment shaping a people to hope in the midst of hopelessness.

Could I do the same? Would I, in response to such a horrifying event, have a similar reaction? Thinking through this magnificent moment in history causes me to look inward for some personal answers. Francis Bacon stated, "Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue." Is God worthy of my praise when things are not going well? Is God still in control when everything seems to be spinning wildly out of control? Can I trust Him? Do I dare to trust Him? When the 'bad' days come (and they will) will I be able to worship Him? The answers to these questions, and others like them, point to the depth of my relationship with God. You see, the best indicator of my walk with God is not how beautifully I sing when all is well but how honestly I worship when all is bleak. (See Job 1:20-22 for further reference).

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